Wednesday, November 19, 2008



You are invited to the BIGGEST CHOCOLATE FONDUE PARTY Ever!!

When - Wed 26th November
What Time - From 3.30pm onwards (or straight after school)
Where - 40 Philip Street St Marys ... Youth Centre entry via the back carpark

It will cost you $5 (or a gold coin donation), but that is a small price to pay for the cause you will be supporting... and in exchange you get lots of goodies to dip in chocolate (yum!!), a live performance, a photo-shoot and LOTS of laughs.

We will be supporting an organisation called STOP THE TRAFFIK ... they are a global movement working to combat the fastest growing global crime, Human Trafficking. Around the world men, women and children are being treated as commodities—something to be bought, sold, and enslaved.

What is Human Trafficking?
TRAFFICKING IS…to be deceived or taken against your will, bought, sold and transported into slavery for sexual exploitation, sweat shops, child brides, forced begging, sale of human organs, farm labour, domestic servitude.

TRAFFICKING IS…where family members and friends deceive parents in poverty-stricken areas to release their children or sell them for as little as $20 each, selling them on to local gangmasters or serious organised international trafficking rings.

TRAFFICKING IS…a growing trade that earns twice as much as Coca Cola. It is estimated that 27 million people are held in slavery world-wide today. That means 2-4 million men, women and children are trafficked across borders and within their own country every year, and more than one person is trafficked across borders EVERY MINUTE! The Majority of those trafficked are women and children. The average age of a trafficked victim is 14.

TRAFFICKING IS…where victims usually suffer repeated physical abuse, fear, torture and threats to families to break their spirits and turn them into saleable commodities. a person can be sold and trafficked many times.

Why a Chocolate Fondue Party?? Most of the Chocolate that finds its way into our shops and homes is made with cocoa from plantations that use trafficked children. The only guarantee that you have that the chocolate that you have purchased has not involved trafficked children, is chocolate certified with a 'Fair Trade' sticker. You will find the sticker (as pictured below) on your chocolate bar or block.

The more of this chocolate that you buy, the bigger the statement you are making to other major chocolate companies that we want a 'Traffick-Free' guarantee on all of their chocolate. It is just not right that children can be trafficked into forced labour just so that we can eat chocolate.

Please view this link for further info

'We believe that when people act things change' - Stop The Traffik

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