Sunday, April 20, 2008

Jess Review - Wed 16th April

This week in create and inspire, we were recording some footage for a new short film “she is captivating”. I wore a mask and tried to scare people, it sort of worked. I was interviewing a couple of the boys and asking them questions like, what do you look for in a woman? And what captures your attention? There where a few new boys to C+I and they loved my mask too. In conclusion you’d be surprised at what guys really think about women (in a good way of course)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jess Review - Wed 9th April 2008

create and inspire ran very well. We did a make over (crazy hair) photo shoot and recorded some footage of the making. All the girls got along with each other and had a lot of fun. All smiles and laughing. Limo realized his hair looks awesome straight and is thinking of doing it like that for the formal. The kdis were happy, they laughed and gained confidence with the way they looked, even though it was totally different and crazy

the photoshoot...

A couple of weeks ago we focussed on having VALUE and being UNIQUE. The girls enjoyed a make-over and a photo shoot. Here are some of the higlights...

the workshop...

Currently we are workshopping idea's for Create & Inspire as part of a youth program in Sydney's greater west (St Marys).

So far the workshop has included;
- designing our own journal
- making a dream collage
- designing gift card's
- photo shoot
- creating random video peices
In the near future we will be working on a few multi media projects including 'Love is..' and 'She is captivating'. We will also be creating an Art-Space to showcase our emerging talent.

We will keep you posted.

Here are some examples of our work;

the aims...

Create & Inspire aims to help young people discover that they are unique, significant and have equal value. It also aims to inspire young people to;
- explore their creativity
- continue the journey of self discovery
- discover their DREAM and purpose
- BE the change they want to see in the world, through creativity

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

the definitions

to C R E A T E is to make
or cause to be or become,
to bring into existence...

to I N S P I R E is to inhale
deeply, to revolutionize, to
supply inspiration for...

the concept...